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今天總算有種我知道自己在幹麻的感覺了(至少是把事情一件件的完整的處理好, 而不是囫圇吞棗)

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在一個月又一星期的上海出差  這次還算順利返台

常跑大陸的結果  連客戶都以為我是長駐台幹  希望我不要也被同化就好

這次新人都很不錯  不枉我教到講話從娃娃音變利菁

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其實延長是早就有預期的  只不過不知道會這麼長

這邊的日子過的很漫長  似乎不像在台灣那樣的緊湊

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也許是在加工區 車子都特別兇狠  超愛按喇叭的

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  • Feb 28 Sun 2010 23:49
  • 上路




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趕在過年前拿到駕照 猴嗨森阿~~~

早上七點就到駕訓班報到  看到門口掛起了晴天娃娃

想到昨天明明還艷陽高照  今天居然下起了小雨變得好冷 

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前兩天搬家太累了早上猛賴床  出門時又下大雨  整個不是我的天

進公司差點遲到...驚險的在9點整刷卡  心想還好老天爺沒絕我路

好久沒這麼刺激說~因為前公司是不用刷卡的   整個是被寵壞了

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而且我還渾然無所覺  直到同事問我已經來多久了

我不假思索的說: 大概兩個星期多 (眼睛喵了一下月曆....驚....)...痾...三個...欸不是...是四個星期  挖 我來一個月了!

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Last few days, i practiced corner turning, climbing and back parking. These items are most basic & easy to access, i quess. That's why i was able to chat with my coach while driving whitout over the line. However, today i felt so frustrated by reverse parking. No matter how many times i tried, my car just cannot parallel the roadside. Too many failures made me more & more impatient. Then unexpectedly i mistook braking and accelerating, running into the safe island. i was frigtened at that moment. Thanks God, there was no one beside me or i should felt more embarrassed. Hope it'll not be a forever bottleneck or perhaps there'll be more safe islands suffering.

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evantually the day i was expecting for a long time was coming. first day to driving school, feeling so excited & a little bit nervous. abnormally left my office on time, then rushed to the school which's 10 mins away from the company. in the beginning, my coach spent about 15 mins explaining each part i'll be touching in the following days, which is not very complicated & sounds useful to me. my coach was friendly demonstrating a series of driving skill & patiently answering me a couple of Qs, then we exchanged the seat. fist time at driver seat made me feel so good which i cannot deny, but it's not like what i imagined before, the steering wheel is so heavy that i need holding it tightly. moreover, frighten to hit the block, i kept braking to stop the car...a Q coming out of my mind: how brave to race a car!! so the 1-hour training i only practiced moving forwards & backwards. time flies & i think it's enough for today becuz... its' fucking COLD!!!! i felt myself like a big ice drving in the north pole. no sense at all with my hands n' legs after getting out of the car, and i raced my schooter home, OS: how LUCKY i am to experience in advance driving abroad XD

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不過還好帶我的同事和主管很強  從他們身上學到很多

得知要上半年要去大陸和美國出差  心裡覺得還滿開心的

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